The Seasons Of Life- Christmas 2019

The Seasons of Life

What “season” are you in? Is it that just starting out season, where you’ve moved away from home, experienced college, found a job & your first apartment? Or maybe it’s the season of just married & buried under adult responsibilities. Or my favorite season, the family season. The one where your blessed with children and all the mass craziness. Perhaps it’s the season after that when your nest is empty and you’re discovering what comes next? The seasons following, I have no experience with and can only hope we are fortunate enough to embrace.

Big changes are happening to the Waite Family and being one that’s not too big on change, it’s been a difficult road to navigate. Our season of empty nest is upon us and already Dave and I are finding ways to fill our time without games, meets and programs. The chores are less, the cooking less and the need for us seems less as well. Maybe it’s that that I find the hardest to adjust to. Where do we fit now? What do they need from us? DO they need us or have we done such a good job that they don’t (HA!)

Our family grew this year. Ryan and Brianna welcomed their daughter on Christmas night (Iowa time) It was a night of unplanned family time and when we first heard the news of labor, we formed a circle saying a prayer with the “soon to be parents” on facetime. Isn’t technology amazing? Hadley Jean is this precious little peanut we’ve spent more time watching on a device than in person. The 18-hour distance has been a challenge. She’s mobile now and keeping Bri busy. Ryan has had a couple training sessions that has taken him away and honestly, I bury the thought of what “desert training” means. Bri is still doing the mobile x-ray job and has recently started assisting other military families with paperwork. A job she can do from home. Their season is the family season and the fall into bed too exhausted for thought season. Enjoy it, it truly doesn’t last that long.

For Andrew, he’s in that keep everyone happy season. Oh wait, he’s always in that season. Andrew started the electrical union gig this year and learns as he works. It’s really a great thing for him as he can make money and take classes in the evenings. He seems to enjoy the hands-on part and the challenges it provides. He’s got an apartment with Jenna and two dogs. His plate is full! Although he is a pleaser I can see it makes him happy. Our always independent boy, is a young man embracing this season of life and loving it.

Em, well she’s in her senior year, 2020 used to seem so far away. Last spring started with a trip to the State Golf Tournament & this summer she worked two jobs, banking some savings. She balances her life with a maturity that I admire. She proudly organizes her days and seems to have everything figured out. She’s always known what she wants and gets after it. From golf to school, responsibility to fun, she’s in a season of looking to the future yet enjoying these last remnants of childhood.

This year I’ve saved our Sarah for last. This young lady, our second born, that is as dependable as ever, as stable and responsible as always, is starting a new season. She and Mitch got engaged early spring and decided September was the month to be married. It was a full few months preparing; with parties to share and schedules to keep. The day was beautiful, from the wedding to the bride. It brought our girls ever closer and we were thrilled to get to share it with so many loved ones. Miss Hadley being a part was heartwarming and watching Dave walk Sarah down the aisle is something I’ll always remember. Mitch’s trucking business allowed them a need for the new building and was the perfect place for their reception. Sarah just started a new position at the bank and is proving herself reliable and an asset. We watch them in their season of building a life together and smile because we know their foundation is solid.

For Dave he’s as laid back as ever. During the busiest part of preparing for a wedding at home, corporate decided the store needed a remodel but he just rolled with it. His already 60-70-hour weeks turned into 80+ and his one day off was a list of wedding prep. And just like he always says, it all worked out.

For the girl who always just wanted to be a Mom, this year has me questioning who I am now that my Mom duties feel all but finished. I’m figuring out ways to keep the family close and connected. That’s a challenge I’m not sure I’m succeeding at and am realizing I need to let go and let God. May the ever-changing seasons of our lives give us knowledge to share and perhaps something to look forward to.

We wish you love, laughter and great memories.

May your hearts be full, your words be kind and your blessings abundant.

J Dub

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Jessica Waite

My name is Jessica Waite and to my best friend I am J Dub. I’m just an ordinary person who has been blessed beyond measure. I am the sum of my experiences, the good and the bad. I am a wife, a mother of four, an avid reader and lover of words. For as long as I can remember words have been my saving grace. Through a story I can dream bigger, I gain hope and knowledge. Through writing I can express myself, offer insight and possibly even give hope.

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