Finding Our Way- Christmas 2016

Finding Our Way

Greetings from the Waite Family. How is your family? Are you adapting to the many changes of life? 

For us there has been a few this year. One of the biggest blessings we have is to watch our ever-changing children finding their way. Let’s start with the youngest this year. 

For Emily, she comes out of her shell best when surrounded by friends. With adults she’s shyer but bring on the girls and she’s boisterous and giggly. She continues to take great pride in her school work, was a football cheerleader this fall and works for her dad at the store. She turned 15 this year and to sum her up, our Emily is happy.

Andrew, in a word is compassionate. In wrestling, with his siblings and in his everyday he finds ways to help others. In wrestling he faces adversity with his weight and how best to make the team stronger. We are very proud of how he has accepted a lower weight for the strength of the team. He’s lost 20 pounds this season. With his family he finds quality time with all. Knowing time was short with Ryan he took every opportunity to hang out with him. This summer he took a new job and worked at a truss building company. His last day he took the guys he worked closely with to lunch. I admire his compassion. I’ve no doubt that Andrew with his laid-back style and compassionate nature will always make the best of any situation.

For Sarah, she is responsible. She works two jobs, averaging 50 hours a week and is a full-time student. She changed her major this year. Her job at the bank has shown her how good she is at organization and math has always been her strength. She is now going to Kirkwood and majoring in accounting. Her and Mitchell are a couple of the most responsible twenty somethings we know. She is soft spoken, intelligent and hardworking. One of the best things about her is her laugh. Our Sarah has forever been mature and responsible. We are grateful for her steadiness.

I’ve saved Ryan for last this year. He is the one with the biggest news. He is finding his way in a completely unexpected way. Ryan has joined the Marine Corp. He spent the better part of the year at the farm mostly trucking. He called often from the road and came to want more than that. From the moment he told us he was considering it to when it became official we have been supportive but ultimately let the decision rest with him. Earlier this month we watched as he was sworn in and departed for basic training. He’s finding his way and we couldn’t be prouder. 

For Dave and I there’s not much new. We celebrated our 24th anniversary this year. Dave is in his 33rd year with Fareway. I am thankful for his steady, logical way. As for me, my job at the real estate office is fun. I’m grateful for the flexible hours and the exciting environment. 

As we find our way we grow ever stronger and have learned to listen and follow our hearts. 

Recognizing and ever grateful for our many blessings. 

We wish you love, laughter and great memories.

May your hearts be full, your words be kind and your blessings abundant.

J Dub

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Jessica Waite

My name is Jessica Waite and to my best friend I am J Dub. I’m just an ordinary person who has been blessed beyond measure. I am the sum of my experiences, the good and the bad. I am a wife, a mother of four, an avid reader and lover of words. For as long as I can remember words have been my saving grace. Through a story I can dream bigger, I gain hope and knowledge. Through writing I can express myself, offer insight and possibly even give hope.

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