Finding Happiness- Christmas 2012

Have you found yours?

I must say that finding happiness is easier than you might think.

What makes you smile? How often do you smile?

As I curl up on the couch with a cup of coffee, a blanket, a pad of paper and pen I know I’ve found my happiness.

I want to start this year with Sarah. She has smiled more this year. She is a sophomore in high school. She gets good grades and played golf this spring on the Varsity team. She continues to work for her Dad and shop with her Mom. Her happiness comes from good friends, love and support at home and finding herself.

Moving on to Andrew, whis is in middle school in 8th grade. His happiness is contagious. He is incredibly easy going. He continued his lawn care business this summer, taking on as many as ten yards. He played football this fall but wrestling continues to be his favorite sport. He practices year round, including a couple of camps in the summer. He is figuring out that making others happy makes him happy. We smile when we hear how everyone is a friend to Andrew.

Emily is a busy girl. She likes it that way. School comes easy and she loves math. She continues to be challenged in her extra learning program (ELP) and was chosen to be on the Lego League. They competed this month and her team will advance to the state competition next month. She enjoys her tumbling class once a week. In her carefree life, happiness surrounds her.

Ryan has a smile that can light up a room. When he talks about hunting or football his pass will put a grin on your face. Ry turned 17 this fall, he is a junior in high school, loves golf, football and hunting. He is in his third year working at Fareway and also helps a neighbor on his farm. He joined the archery club at school, has a girlfriend and with his lifting schedule he is the busiest one in the family.

For Dave and I happiness begins with the love we share. We are proud to say that that love extends to those around us. From our Wednesday night dinners, to the car load of kids we take to the football games. We are surrounded with happiness. Every morning I receive a text that makes me smile, every evening I give a hug that warms a heart.

In this season of giving, remember happiness. A gift to give and a gift to receive. 

May your hearts be full, your words be kind and your blessings abundant. 

J Dub

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Jessica Waite

My name is Jessica Waite and to my best friend I am J Dub. I’m just an ordinary person who has been blessed beyond measure. I am the sum of my experiences, the good and the bad. I am a wife, a mother of four, an avid reader and lover of words. For as long as I can remember words have been my saving grace. Through a story I can dream bigger, I gain hope and knowledge. Through writing I can express myself, offer insight and possibly even give hope.

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