Waite Family Update 2021

I will continually praise God from whom ALL blessing flow. We are so very blessed.

I’d like to start this year with our Sarah. She and her husband, Mitchell are expecting their first child in January. What a great way to start the new year. Mitchell’s trucking business is keeping them both busy and they’re navigating those roads together nicely. She does his book work and helps keep track of scheduling. Mitch is learning all about maintenance and the costs of owning your own business. He is constantly busy. Together with Lucy they are anxious to expand their family. Sarah enjoyed some of the year getting to work from home and currently works mostly at the bank. She’s got a full schedule with work, helping Mitch, keeping house and all those pregnancy appointments. Our ever-modest girl tried her best wearing oversized clothing and not acting pregnant at all but it’s all one can see when looking at her these days. She’s everything an expectant mom is and we can’t wait for this next chapter to begin.

For Andrew this year has been pretty laid back. He and Briana moved in together in Cedar Rapids. They spent much of the summer boating and welcomed a new puppy this fall. They took a nice vacation to the Dominican Republic and much to my chagrin he bought a motorcycle. He’s still in his electrical apprenticeship, meaning he works and takes classes. He’s likes a full schedule and enjoyed a season playing corn hole on a tournament team. Life for Andrew is busy.

Ryan had an interesting year. It started with his deployment in Okinawa. The eight months was an experience he won’t forget. Between the culture, the food, the sites and being away from his family he learned a lot. Brianna was the true trooper with a toddler and a home to care for all the responsibilities fell to her. She rose to the challenge and even made the trip to come back to Iowa for a couple of weeks. Little Miss Hadley will be three next week and when I say she’s a light I mean it. She is this bright, warm, affectionate toddler who absorbs so much. Their next challenge starts in January when Ryan goes back to San Diego for recruiter school. He’ll graduate the first of March and then be given his orders as to where they will move to for the next three years.

For Dave this year has been as ever busy. He likes it that way. He is getting better about enjoying time off with less to do but I think it’s his nature to do and accomplish something. His birthday was celebrated with the best present for our dog lover and I tell you what he lights up just like he did when the kids were little and went running to him when he got off work. Rayna runs right at him and usually because of the wood floors, crashes into his feet. She’s so happy to see him and it floods my heart watching them play outside.

For our Emily she finished her first year of college from home in the spring, worked twi jobs over the summer and found roommates she moved in with this past fall. School has kept her busy with six classes and she’s joined a few clubs. She says this semester wasn’t as challenging as she believes the next one will be. She’s studious and focused with a drive that’s admirable. She has a goal and I have no doubt she’ll reach it. She understands the many small steps it will take to get there and I see that as half the battle. She and Jack celebrated two years together this fall and are enjoying all that Iowa State has to offer.

We wish you love, laughter and great memories,

Dave and Jessica

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Jessica Waite

My name is Jessica Waite and to my best friend I am J Dub. I’m just an ordinary person who has been blessed beyond measure. I am the sum of my experiences, the good and the bad. I am a wife, a mother of four, an avid reader and lover of words. For as long as I can remember words have been my saving grace. Through a story I can dream bigger, I gain hope and knowledge. Through writing I can express myself, offer insight and possibly even give hope.

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