How best does one explain 2020?
We are in the middle of what no doubt will fill history books. Our lives have been turned inside out and we are learning a new way of living. A challenge, yes. A change, absolutely. For the better? I believe that is all in how this has affected each one of us and it has affected all of us.
I read somewhere that faith is meant to be tested. Has yours been tested recently? Have you found yourself sending up more prayers this previous year? I have. I have prayed for friends and family, for Gods Will to be, for love and acceptance, for forgiveness. I trust that God has a plan.
The events in my life in 2020 have me looking forward to 2021 in a different way, a more hopeful way. My faith has been strengthened, my confidence grown, my self-knowledge has enlightened me. For Christmas I gave many loved ones the movie Coat of Many Colors. In it Dolly Parton’s mother tells her her singing is a gift from God, He who created her and that nobody can take that away from her. Dolly’s response is that she feels she has captured God’s attention and figures if she can do that then why not the whole worlds attention. I explained to my loved ones that this is how I feel when I write. I can feel this light inside me, warming me, pushing me and encouraging me. Perhaps many of you are right about my writing and I’m starting to understand that it is my gift from God and a gift it has been. I’ve written and released so many buried memories with His help. Perhaps one day I’ll be able to put these pieces together in a more meaningful way than the jumble of events that aren’t in order.
As we hesitantly step, hopeful and bravely into 2021 may we do so with grateful hearts, open minds and grace, God’s grace. There are blessings all around us, remember to give thanks. We wish you a very blessed New Year.
May your hearts be full, your words be kind and your blessings abundant.
J Dub

Waite Family Update: (written 12/23/20)
I want to start this with our foundation, Dave. He has executed this year in true Dave style, with grace and humor, his just go with it nature and humility. He is a solid pillar of strength in the storm this year has created. There is so much he does that few know about and I know he wouldn’t like me talking about. How to best describe him; Everything else comes first. Everything. Have you ever shaken his hand? They tell a story all their own. His finger prints pronounced from lack of moisture. Between the cardboard boxes, the paperwork and all the antiseptic gel his hands take the brunt of his labor. Have you ever ridden in the car he drives? This beast he’s converted into a delivery truck by folding down the rear two rows and installing a piece of plywood. The front end is wobbly and it’s starting to leave a dribble of oil on the garage floor. But, it is completely paid for and for now he’d rather concentrate on other payments than a different vehicle. He’s come up with ways to get groceries to those who can’t get to the store or don’t want to come in. His work shoes, he has two pair and has not purchased new ones in over two years. He trades them off and on every other day and has a shoe shine kit he conditions them with. His phone is constantly ringing and it’s not very often he has any time for himself. He likes making others happy and although he is the humblest man I know I believe him to be a man many look up to.
In order I will go now. For Ryan, he and family are doing great. Ryan was meritoriously promoted to Sergeant this year and moved to a new unit. He is still at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina and will soon have a new address. They have decided to take a plunge in the house buying pool and are set to sign papers just after the first of the year. Brianna has had a very stressful year with her work in healthcare and all the anxiety that comes with it. Thankfully they have all been blessed with good health and are managing this new way of life. Miss Hadley is now two and boy is she on the go. She is happy, she is loved and she gives all the love a child does. She ends every video call with a blown kiss.
Sarah is turning 24 this year. I was watching It’s a Wonderful Life the other night and George’s father tells him he was “born older.” That’s our girl. So, when I say she’s 24, it’s more like 24 going on 40. She has enjoyed mostly working from home this year and uses the office in their new shop. Lucy gets to go to work with her on the off chance she’s not on a run with Mitch. Sarah is happiest at home working on a craft project, cooking a good meal or watching tv. She also keeps the books for Mitch’s business and making sure everyone gets paid. She helps Dave with the DW stuff as well and loves that Em is close to hang out with. Mitchell is successfully running his trucking business, Premier One Enterprises. He now has two semi’s and three trucks keeping his trailers busy. He’s a go getter that’s for sure and somehow manages to keep his shop looking like brand new. They are in the middle of a big remodel project in the house and are looking forward to a brand-new kitchen/living room in the new year.
For our Andrew he is one funny guy! I tell you he is a young man that is loving life. He is in his second-year apprenticeship as an electrician and loves it. He’s hands on and top in his class. He likes learning new things and is inventive with ideas. He has moved to Palo with a fellow electrician and I believe there are now four electricians in the house with half a dozen dogs! I get the honor of doing his laundry every once in a while, and both machines get a little clogged up with all the hair. Andrew has enjoyed the single life for most of the year and just talking to him I can see how much he has learned about himself and what he wants. He has dated a few girls, even bringing a couple home and as of last month he announced he has a girlfriend. Brianna keeps him on his toes, helps him see the silliness and makes him smile the best Andrew smile.
Emily! This girl has had quite the year. She has learned from her father how to handle it and has succeeded in coming out stronger for it. So much was taken from her senior year, her graduation and even spilled into her first year of college. She made the decision to stay home as all her classes were online. We had even moved her into a dorm but she couldn’t justify the cost and we helped move her back. She is as organized as I am and keeps an appointment book full of what she has going on. She takes her classes on her laptop in the basement. Her school desk for Iowa State is the Iowa Hawkeye booth. 😉 She took the semester off from work to get her barring’s and get them she did. She got her grades back just last week with a GPA of 3.94, making the Dean’s list. Her biggest struggle was in Econ and she did a lot of extra credit to keep the grade up. She and Jack celebrated their dating one-year anniversary this year and being home, she was able to go to all his football games. Out of lemons we make lemonade.
For me, I am learning. They say it’s never too late. I no longer work for the real estate company. It became a stress-filled environment where I no longer made anyone happy. There were accusations and unfilled promises that created resentment and communication was severely lacking. From that I learned many things about myself, my part in it and who my friends are. There is positive to come from every situation.
In May I started constructing a website. This is a place for my writing. It is my safe space where I can store all of my thoughts, both current and past. It was given me insight and hope. I have received so many thoughtful messages, emails, talks in person and texts that come from what I write. It’s giving me courage to believe in myself and what I may have to offer. I think my favorite part of J Dubs is the blogs I put together when inspiration hits. These are located under the Articles tab at the top of the home page. Dave said it best in a note to me the other day after I’d written a blog, “you must carry so much in your head that you’re consumed until you get it written out.” It’s true, so many thoughts and worries and when I get them organized and out on paper it frees me in a way. If you are so inclined please visit and enjoy.
In this season of uncertainty keep searching for the good, count your many blessings and end each day with a prayer. We used to tell the kids for every action there is a reaction. We always wanted them to think things through, what would the outcome be if they did something. I think the same can be said for our lives and for every down side there is a positive side. I guess the question is; are you willing to look for it, patient enough to wait for it and smart enough to acknowledge it?
We wish you love, laughter and great memories.