The Four Winds

It has been a full week since The Four Winds came out. Four days since I finished the novel and binge watched Firefly Lane. It’s Kristin Hannah’s time to shine.

The Four Winds is a novel that sinks you deep into the 1930’s. It’s a relatable tale of love and human resilience. You will  find yourself cheering on Elsa, the main character, yet mesmerized by the depth of despair she continually faces. From being unloved by her own family and disowned, Elsa is a character we can all look up to. She makes mistakes seeking love and acceptance, has every hardship thrown at her and she keeps on going. She works hard to prove her self-worth to her in-laws, to her children and to herself.

I immersed myself in Elsa’s world barely pulling away for necessary reasons. The meat of the story and the American dream took root and gave me pause to think from a different perspective. 

I felt myself turn into her character, I could relate to her. I felt her spirit rise when she realized she wasn’t what her family had beat into her. She was worthy of love, she was worthy of friendships and she was brave. 

I have read every one of Kristin Hannah’s books. I even messaged her about The Night Road and how I read it to our children as teenagers for them to understand the full meaning of driving drunk. She messaged back 🙂 

Kristin Hannah has an amazing talent that every story teller should possess. She sucks us in making the world around us dissolve as we dive deep into the story.  I am thrilled beyond thrilled that she is getting her time in the limelight. May that only encourage her to continue sharing her gift. 

This J Dubs Suggests/Review gets a full five hearts!

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Jessica Waite

My name is Jessica Waite and to my best friend I am J Dub. I’m just an ordinary person who has been blessed beyond measure. I am the sum of my experiences, the good and the bad. I am a wife, a mother of four, an avid reader and lover of words. For as long as I can remember words have been my saving grace. Through a story I can dream bigger, I gain hope and knowledge. Through writing I can express myself, offer insight and possibly even give hope.

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