Sarah Anne

To Sarah from Mom during her bridal shower:

I want to start this by thanking each one of you here for coming to celebrate with us.

Some of you here today have known Sarah her entire life and some are just getting to know her. I’d like to help you know the Sarah I know.

Sarah is our Christmas baby…. Sarah Anne was a surprise, what am I saying all of our kids were “surprises” but truly with Ryan only six months old, the last thing we expected to hear at my checkup appointment was “your pregnant” I’m pretty sure we must of looked little dumbstruck. In a daze we left the clinic with our minds racing.

After the initial shock we embraced the knowledge that we have very little control over our lives and that ready or not our family was about to grow even bigger.

During the nine-month pregnancy we got transferred from the Perry Fareway to the one in Algona. We rented a nice ranch home that had been on the market for a while and went for checkups at the local clinic. The thing was, everything went so smoothly with Ryan at Mary Greeley Hospital in Ames that we wanted to have Sarah there too. So, the morning of the 23rd of December (2 days before Christmas) I started feeling the signs that would lead us to Ames. Here I remind you that Dave had just started at a new store and he was hard at work AND it’s kind of busy at a grocery store right before the holiday. I called the store and although the timing could have been better, he rushed home and with Ryan we left for the hospital.

We became parents that evening for the second time and I remember the announcement, “it’s a girl” With Dave ever present holding my hand we exchanged excited, happy grins.

Sarah was weighed and cleaned up, wrapped and placed in my out stretched arms. Her face was bright red and she had this blond fuzzy hair. We were in love with her immediately.

Sarah, as you can imagine, was an extremely easy, content baby and much like she is today, she doesn’t require much to make her happy.

We’re pretty sure Sarah just came out with this responsible, matureness that outdates her age. She can be counted on for anything. She has always been the second Mom in the family and her siblings have come to rely on her.

She’s a happy go lucky girl and one of my all-time favorite things, all-time favorite is to hear is her laugh. It’s this genuine happy sound that makes those around her smile and laugh with her. May you all be blessed to hear that sound.

The first time Mitch came over to the Waite house was with Jessup. We were getting started on dinner. I believe Emily was having a party and they stayed and joined in. I remember how giggly Sarah was that night, how almost nervous. Sarah was smitten.

Neither her or Mitch are ones for displays of public affection and as time went on you could see their attraction grow even if they barely touched one another. Her father and I couldn’t embarrass them more, if we hug or goodness, kiss in front of them, their reaction only fueled our fire. It’s a form of torture for all the kids. I can’t wait for her Grandpa to announce you may kiss the bride!

With her responsible, mature nature, Sarah maintained good grades, found some good friends and did all the things a teenager should do. She tried a couple sports until she found the one she had a passion for. I challenge any one of you to play a round of golf with her, she’s competitive but at the same time encouraging if your struggling. That’s our girl. She’s quietly reserved, smart and sweet and has the best heart.  She’s has her father’s logic, his laid-back nature and his good business sense. He’s missed her at the store. From me, she got few of my features, full checks to pinch, freckles to dot her complexion and the “family is everything” motto. Her heart is big, her laugh contagious and best of all she’s as genuine as anyone you’ll ever meet.

For her wedding day we wish for her the sunshine she brings into our life, continued happiness throughout the entire day no matter what and to feel all the love she deserves as she marries the man who without a doubt she is meant to marry.

Momma Waite

August 2019

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Jessica Waite

My name is Jessica Waite and to my best friend I am J Dub. I’m just an ordinary person who has been blessed beyond measure. I am the sum of my experiences, the good and the bad. I am a wife, a mother of four, an avid reader and lover of words. For as long as I can remember words have been my saving grace. Through a story I can dream bigger, I gain hope and knowledge. Through writing I can express myself, offer insight and possibly even give hope.

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