Decorating isn’t just for inside. The exterior of your house can show your personality too. I’m a fall girl through and through but Spring is my next favorite season. With that in mind I plant knowing I’ll have something blooming during three seasons and make sure to remember the fourth with pine trees sprinkled about.
Here I want to express what I’ve learned through the many years of planting and the years when we didn’t get to plant anything permanent. Sleep, creep, leap! I love that and as we have now been in our home almost ten years I can say that saying is so true.
When considering your favorite colors, flowers and plants consider when they bloom. I love fall so I plant a lot of mums, maple trees and plants that will sustain well into the cooler months. For spring I have tulips (which come in a variety of colors) and knock out rose bushes that start blooming in June and continue through the summer. I love the bright orange of an asiatic lily even though they don’t last long and the ever present hosta is a great path liner or book ends to stairs. Ornamental grasses are amazing. They are among the sleep, creep, leap. I have a pair by our front steps that are constantly admired. We love them. They are very appealing aesthetically and a great place to take pictures by. Added bonus: they can be spilt and planted elsewhere. They just keep getting bigger every year. We do burn them off in the early spring.
We really should talk about flower pots. These are for your annuals and where you can really let your personality shine. Mixing accent plants with flowers and choosing an eclectic variety of pots, baskets, or whatever will hold soil and plants is the fun of the job.
My advice; I love potato vines. You don’t have to get as many as you think, they spread and spill over the pot. Mix the purple and greens together and they are great for hanging baskets too. These vines I pot in May and they last through to the first frost. By then you will barely be able to see the pot and just have a full, bright, healthy plant, mind you water it and occasionally feed it. I like the plant sticks for flower pots, easy to use and they work wonders.
Browse through the many pictures. Consider the space because everything grows and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Happy Planting,
Jessica Waite