This realization hasn’t ever hit me as hard as it did last week. As the wife of a go getter and Fareway man, I’ve adjusted to many things. One of the biggest adjustments was all the moving. We moved A LOT!
In an effort to make whatever walls and roof provided us shelter a home, I would unpack us as efficiently as possible. I hung pictures, placed knick knacks and cleaned to my standards as best I could to make it feel like ours. Somehow, I always accomplished this task rather quickly and where ever we were felt like home.
I know now that home is a relative word. We’ve lived in cramped apartments, small houses, large and outdated houses, apartment complexes with a pool and exercise room. We’ve bought and sold houses and even built two houses from scratch. Of all the places we’ve lived the one thing that remained the same is the feeling of home.
I don’t believe home is a place. I believe it is a feeling. You know the saying “Home is where the heart is” It couldn’t be more true.
Here is where my story begins:
Over the holidays we were blessed to have all of our children under one roof. This included our only grandchild, Hadley. Little Miss is this blond haired, blue eyed, happy child that has no idea the joy she brings her Grandma. We have such fun together. The night before our son Ryan, his wife Brianna and Little Miss were set to leave she gave me the most precious gift.
We still have one of the four twin mattresses left from when the kids were little and for the visit we brought the mattress upstairs from the storage room. I covered the springy quilted blue fabric with a set of old Minnie Mouse flannel sheets and found one of the pink plaid comforters that used to be our daughters. Every night we read stories on the mattress and I’d sneak out closing the french doors behind me. On the last night however, I was having a tough time adjusting to the fact that she’d be gone the next day. I laid down next to the mattress on the floor with my head on her pillow. It was way past her bedtime. We’d just finished watching an old Mickey Mouse on Disney Plus and I thought for sure she’d just fall asleep. I’ll admit my emotions got the better of me as I explained that she’d be going home tomorrow and how much fun I had with her here. That I loved her. A few tears leaked from my eyes and this sweet little two-year-old with hands so soft and so small cupped my face as she brought hers closer to mine. She just looked into my eyes with no words needed. It was one of the most precious moments. Eventually her eyes became heavy and closed. I watched her a little longer then went to my room for a few hours rest before they would all leave.
That brings me to April 14, 2021. The previous day was long, complete with packing, driving 1130 miles, while watching a couple movies, solving sudoku puzzles, making sandwiches and finally arriving at our destination. Then unloading, greeting our daughter in law and the dogs all while having our son on video chat when we arrived. The nights rest was short and sweet. April 14th dawned bright and warm in North Carolina and I was the first one up. The house was quiet when I went to use the rest room and passed by Hadley’s door. I washed my hands and turned out the bathroom light then walked up to her door and listened. It wasn’t a tough decision whether to wake her early or not, I simply couldn’t wait any longer.
Gently I turned the knob and took in her new bedroom. She has a night light that glowed just bright enough for me to see. Still sound asleep, she laid on top of her covers wearing her one-piece purple footed pajamas that zip from toe to neck. Her blond hair a fuzz of bedhead and turned towards me. I knelt down on my knees bringing me to her level and lightly touched her back. With my face close to hers she opened the one eye I could see and I said “Hi Baby” and this girl who’s stolen my heart blinked once taking me in then launched herself into my arms with such force she about knocked me over. She clung to me as I stood up and told her I came to play and have fun. I asked her what should we do and if she had stories to read. She just hung on tight. I told her Papa came with me and took her to the doorway of the guest room where Papa was awake lying in bed with Miss Tessa. We played a game of peek a boo with Papa and then we brought some stories from her room to ours. It was then that I was reminded how home really is where the heart is.
My heart is my family and this family my home.

Home is family. We are so blessed. Nice story. May you two always be that close.