Happy 50th Dave

How do I celebrate you? How do I tell you all the things within my heart?

We have been together now longer then we have been apart. The key word being; together.

Together is something we learned to be.

As independent as we started out, each with our own goals,  ideas and struggles, we learned that together we are better, stronger.

It’s been 30 some years since I first set eyes on you. That would put me at a young 14 years old and you 20…. Can you remember us that age? You with your friends and me, a tag along with my sister trying to act older.

Then came the years of “Grandma’s House” The good Lord knew what he was doing when I landed my first job washing dishes. I smile even now remembering those days.

Love, what I want to tell you, what is in my heart is gratefulness, happiness and this love that cannot be described in words.

You have this amazing spirit. This gift of strength, comfort, logic and hope. You are fun to be around. You achieve the goals you set, you work hard and sometimes don’t even get a thank you or recognition. You raise the bar and encourage those around you to do the same. You are confidant, an optimist and a believer in the golden rule.

From the moment I met you I needed you but didn’t want to admit it. I had learned to count only on myself. Trusting someone else hadn’t always work out for me. Of course, I had a crush on you. Can you even call it that? I was head over heels interested but never thought you’d give me a second glance. I smirk now thinking of it, how stubborn I was. When you did notice me and became interested, I guarded my heart. You were persistent and gradually I learned I could trust you. You were patient, had a good ear, a strong shoulder and good advice. Our friendship blossomed and turned into a friendship that has been the cornerstone of our relationship.

Do you have any idea how much I look forward to our time together? The warm summer evenings rocking on the porch, iced tea in hand. A cool fall night under the lights on the patio or the downright chilly winter nights with the fire blazing. Even that quick trip in the car for an errand out of town.  I think I know where our long talks stemmed from.

Remember our first year of marriage when we got Nika. You have always been a dog lover and having her made you so happy. But we weren’t allowed a pet in our apartment and we assumed your first transfer was much closer than it ended up being. Thankfully your Mom took on a “grand dog.” Every weekend we would make the trek to Illinois for a visit and every weekend we were guaranteed an hour and a half there and hour and a half back of just us. No distractions, just the road and time to talk. It came to be our staple that we make time to talk. Yes, there were times with the kids growing up where it was a luxury to get even ten minutes alone but we valued and made the time because our communication makes us stronger.


I think about us as parents. We talk about this all the time. How I was good with the babies and toddler years, how good you are with the teens and how the kids have come to look to you for your logic and your approval. Together, we make a pretty good team. We share the same goals when it comes to the kids. We both want their happiness, we want to encourage and show them opportunities. Ultimately, we understand that it’s their experiences, our experiences/advice and our love for them that helps shape them.

David, you should know that with your humble nature and integrity you are amazing. You took me, a young girl with trust issues, self-worth struggles and some dark experiences and taught me about true, unconditional love. You showed me that I am worth it and you helped create this amazing family…the family I’ve always wanted. You promised me happiness. You put my happiness above your own. You sacrificed sleep to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. You have cuddled, bandaged, encouraged and prayed for; listened, advised and attended every event for your children. You’ve shown us great strength and pride in your silent way. You David, are the light in my life, the love in my heart and the world to our family.

I love you!

May we be ever blessed with many more years together.

Happy Birthday
December 2018

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Jessica Waite

My name is Jessica Waite and to my best friend I am J Dub. I’m just an ordinary person who has been blessed beyond measure. I am the sum of my experiences, the good and the bad. I am a wife, a mother of four, an avid reader and lover of words. For as long as I can remember words have been my saving grace. Through a story I can dream bigger, I gain hope and knowledge. Through writing I can express myself, offer insight and possibly even give hope.

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