All decorating shows our personality and creating a warm, inviting entryway is important to me. This says to our visitors “Welcome, I’m glad you’re here.”
It started back when we built the house and choosing the right door. Keeping with the craftsman theme, I knew I wanted stained glass. I also knew I wanted it be be big and make a statement. The steel door is by Thermatru and with the sidelights and transom it allows plenty of light to filter into our entry way. This helped to create a warm, inviting feeling.
Once inside, the entryway there is a lot to see and decorate. My inspiration comes from many places; magazines, online, shopping and being creative. Thankfully I have a husband who enjoys making me custom pieces that now have sentimental value.
Remember to decorate to scale, use many different textures (glass, metal, floral) and include forms of light to give the space depth (automatic candles, mini string lights, tasteful night lights).

Love your style ❤
You have a beautiful home.