The wrestler is dedicated, focused, determined.
As with many sports the season may only be a few months but practice is year long … dedication.
On the mat maintaining focus is key. Anticipating the opponents’s next move, counteracting it and preparing your own move … focus.
Weight management requires determination. Week after week for five months, cutting weight then maintaining … determination.
Our Washington Demon Wrestlers have all three of these characteristics. On and off the mat they have demonstrated their dedication, their focus and their determination.
Allow me to “walk” you through the day of a meet. It starts off with nerves and anticipation. Depending on weight, hopefully some breakfast. Then make and pack a lunch, get the wrestling gear together and in our family, a bear hug full of encouragement. Conversation is nonexistent s the focus is already at full speed Next the team meets at the wrestling room, everyone weighs in and gets on the bus. I can’t imagine the ride to a meet. Games, headphones and some talk of what lies ahead. Arriving at the school, the team spills out of the bus with their gear, their nerves and a lot of anticipation. They claim a small section of the bleachers, weigh in, get some nourishment and warm up in preparation for the next step closer to the mat.
The fans start to arrive. In Washington’s case we pack our section of bleachers. Dads talk to sons, moms worry endlessly about injuries and everyone watches as the clock ticks closer to the meet. The anticipation is palpable. When the announcer gains control of the gymnasium, we are asked to remove our hats for the National Anthem, the air feels electric. We are ready. The wrestlers, the coaches, the fans.
The first wrestler on the mat is announced with the next warming up along side it. It’s time to wrestle. Fans in their seats, coaches in theirs and the wrestlers feeding off the energy.
The opponents put on their ankle cuffs and shake hands. No two matches are the same. Some are over before you blink and some, the clock seems endless.
Watching the progression of these young men through the years is inspiring. Some have been doing this since grade school. We are invested in their passion, their will power and their drive to succeed.
Through their ups and downs we celebrate and encourage. Emotions run high, big victories, tough losses and there’s always the questionable call from the referee. What you will also witness at any meet you attend is endless support. With our boys on the mat, win or lose, we always support.
To the Washington Demon Wrestlers who have made school history this season, you are an inspiring group of young men. You have become a close knit team that can rely on one another. Congratulations for making it to the State Dual Tournament. Remain dedicated, focused and determined.
Penned by: Jessica Waite
Published in Washington Evening Journal
February 16, 2016