A Special Valentines

Valentine’s Day holds a special place in my heart. I’ve even written it all out for our childrenMy love story is one of perseverance, understanding and patience and it’s cemented in friendship. This years day of love will be one of my favorites, I just know it. 

I think about time a lot. I wonder if it is a friend or foe? Thief or giver? Happiness or sadness? Whatever it is there’s no stopping it. When I want it to speed up, it crawls and when I need it to slow down, it’s gone in the blink of an eye.

For a while now we’ve known about Japan. Known the end of January meant the end of his three-year stint and that March was the month we are dreading. On the other hand, we also knew we would have one more opportunity to spend time together. So of course, I want that time to get here but I’ve learned that once it does it’ll be time to say goodbye all too soon and that’s the thing I’m not sure I can do.

Japan…why there? This is one of those instances where “I’m happy because he’s happy” I know I’m supposed to feel that way, but can someone please explain it to my heart. Here’s the thing, I have zero desire to go there and he says it’s another three-year gig. Did you know the plane ride is twenty hours! That alone is mind boggling to me.

The first snow storm of the season is baring down hard. Our small part of the world is blanketed in pristine whiteness. My baking job is all but complete for the holiday of love and it’s time to start working on menus and grocery lists, evening plans and family game night. We have Christmas to celebrate with our military son and family. Then turn around and celebrate his two little’s birthdays. With just a week to cram it all in I hope to give them all the love I can in person and to find a way to wish them well on their next adventure.

I’m old enough to know the gift of time isn’t something to take for granted. We’ve raised our family and watched those days speed by like a fuse on fire. Therefore, I know time will have its way again with our grandchildren. Hadley is already six, add three years and I can’t even imagine. Colton is just starting to come into his personality. Oh, he’s ornery, with a stocky build, blond hair like his momma and sweet smile like his older sister. He’ll turn two this March, in Japan…

The day will soon turn to night and they will pull into a hotel for a brief time of shut eye then back on the road in the morning. Tomorrow I have things to prepare, groceries to buy and customers to see with their orders. My day will be busy but my hope is that when they arrive I am ready to be mom/grandma. Ready for story time, playtime, laughter and love. 

Friend or foe, happiness or sadness, thief or giver; time is constant and perspective makes all the difference.

Like the April showers bring May flowers, goodbye is hopefully followed with hello. That’s the thing about happiness/sadness, good things/bad things; they go together and you have to go through one to truly appreciate the other. I live with deep gratitude for all of our many blessings and I pray that by next week my focus will shift from goodbye to see you soon.

May your hearts be full, your words be kind and your blessings abundant,

J Dub

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Three years into our marriage we had our first child and almost 30 years later he & his family are moving to Japan

Jessica Waite

My name is Jessica Waite and to my best friend I am J Dub. I’m just an ordinary person who has been blessed beyond measure. I am the sum of my experiences, the good and the bad. I am a wife, a mother of four, an avid reader and lover of words. For as long as I can remember words have been my saving grace. Through a story I can dream bigger, I gain hope and knowledge. Through writing I can express myself, offer insight and possibly even give hope.

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