Roll With It

Within the month of August our family received some life changing news. Good news for the most part and a lot of pride for this Mama of four. 

To catch you up, our family includes two daughters in law and one son in law. The “baby” of the family is engaged and was happily planning her wedding for October of 2025 but God has other plans. 

Our oldest, happily married, two kids and currently putting in his time as a recruiter for the USMC in Montana, calls one Saturday afternoon in August with news on their next adventure. His voice is excited and my mind wanders to a previous conversation about where he wants to be stationed. Selfishly I’m hoping it isn’t there. He tells me he got his orders and I hold my breath. His next words are “Mom, you gotta get your passport.” Instantly my heart sinks but his happiness supersedes and I find myself congratulating him and get all the pertinent details. After our good byes I realize I need a minute to absorb the news. They are moving to Japan. Bri, Hadley and Colton. Japan. Ryan had a brief deployment there and truly enjoyed it so much so that his wife became jealous and this dream was born. 

Next came telling the rest of the family. 

Sunday morning arrived and as I blew on my hot cup of sweetened coffee Emily padded into the den with sleep in her eyes and a blanket around her shoulders. She asks me to hear her out as she takes the seat next to mine. This, I know will require patience and listening with no interruptions. Okay I say and she dives into what’s been on her heart since hearing her brother and family are moving to Japan in early 2025. She’s worried they won’t make it back for her wedding. 

Here’s where I want to imprint upon you that she is the youngest of four. That being said she was there for ALL of her siblings events. Sporting, social, weddings, etc. When it came her time the year was 2020 and all that that year entailed. No senior sports, her prom was a walk around a track in open air, her graduation also outdoors with limited viewers and her grad party was a fraction of the size that she had helped with for her brothers and sister. 

With her heart on her sleeve she expressed her concerns. Then we broke it all down, digesting what it would mean to move the wedding to this October instead. With the support of her fiancée, Jack we video called her two best friends, aka matron of honor and sister, Sarah & maid of honor, Madison. Sarah was up feeding kids breakfast but Madison appeared to be still in bed. The question was posed and jaws dropped into silence. I giggled, knowing their minds were racing. It was just a thought and really we needed to cement that Ryan’s orders are firm AND that he could get leave approved to come back in October with the family for the wedding. Our next call was to his wife.

I video called and being an hour earlier they too were just getting around. I started the conversation with their move and attempted to pass it over to Em to explain her thoughts but when I looked her way she was overcome with emotion and waved the phone away. Two small tears slowly rolled down her cheeks as I inquired about their attendance this fall instead. Graciously Bri said to not change the date just for them but that she would look into time off if we have dates in mind. Our next call was to the one who is always on call, Ryan. He too didn’t want Emily and Jack to have to change their date, he said he’d have “hard orders” tomorrow and see about getting leave approved for this fall.

On pins and needles with her mind racing Emily couldn’t take it any longer and by noon since receiving no news, she text Bri then Ryan. It’s a go for October 19, 2024, just 76 days to put together all her wants but most importantly to do it with all of her family there. 

Even now I think about the selfless act these two are doing for our family and proud tears leak out. She didn’t even have her dress yet, they didn’t know if the church was available or if all the many other pieces could fall into place but they do know what’s truly important and for that my heart overflows.

To say the last couple weeks have been hectic is an understatement but hectic in a good way. There’s been a road trip in the search for a dress, proof reading invitations, then stuffing them and Em meeting the mail lady as their closing with the overflowing box. Scheduling her bridal shower, her bachelorette, a shopping day for flowers and now a time to build the centerpieces, the boutiques, the boutonnieres and corsages. There is much to do but we’re trying to remember that at the end of the day whether or not there are hiccups they will be married and surrounded by family.

August also brought with it my birthday. Not just any birthday but one I really wasn’t looking forward to. But, want to know what I’m learning as I age? That we really don’t have that much control over our lives. Yes it’s our decisions that affect what happens but when you turn those decisions over and ask for guidance God always provides. It is with His grace that our family humbly thanks Him for our many blessings. We would also like to express our gratitude to the many others who are supporting this change and “rolling with it.” We couldn’t do all of this without you. 


Mama Waite aka J Dub

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Jessica Waite

My name is Jessica Waite and to my best friend I am J Dub. I’m just an ordinary person who has been blessed beyond measure. I am the sum of my experiences, the good and the bad. I am a wife, a mother of four, an avid reader and lover of words. For as long as I can remember words have been my saving grace. Through a story I can dream bigger, I gain hope and knowledge. Through writing I can express myself, offer insight and possibly even give hope.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Carol Wehr

    Congratulations!!!!! I am so happy for you and your family. I have no doubt you will pull off the most family oriented wedding there ever was. May perfect weather and sunny skies fill the days before and after and get your passport ready. Love to you all.

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